Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tt is for Twelve

May 12
(a little late)

During May Grandpa and I went on an Atlantic adventure in a big boat cruising to delightful destinations in Europe. We got home on May 12 (just 12 days ago) so I thought I would show you 12 pictures of our "home away from home" during our long vacation.

1. This is the place where pizza was baked all day long every day--one of Grandpa's favorite snack stops.
2. This is the place just outside our cabin (the balcony) where we could read or watch the scenery.
3. This is the place where we could shower and brush our teeth. Grandpa is actually standing in the shower to take this picture!
4. This is the place where you could check out books and board games. You probably didn't know that ships have libraries in them.
5. This is the place where we could eat. The Horizon Court was just one of many places we could eat!
6. This is the place where we entered our cabin and where we picked up our "mail". Our address was Caribe 614 and every day we got a newsletter called the "Princess Patter".
7. This is the place where we would find two chocolates each night before we went to bed. Who put them there? Why our cabin steward, of course. He also made our bed and cleaned our room every day!
8. This is the place--called the Internet Cafe-- where we could read and send emails to all of you.
9. This is the place where we could get a sandwich, salad, cookie, pastry treat or gelato any time we wanted since it was open 24 hours a day!
10. This is the place where you could swim if you wanted, but where we went in the evening, sat on the deck chairs with a cozy blanket and watched "movies under the stars".
11. This is the place--the promenade deck-- where you could go for walks around the entire ship.
12. And this is the place where all the 11 previous pictures were taken--the Emerald Princess. If you look in the lower right corner you might also be able to see the place (the gangway) where we exited the ship whenever it reached a port of call.

We're happy to be back to our real "home sweet home" now though.
Happy 12 on the 12th day after the 12th of May!
Love, Grandma

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of fun, keep posting more pictures of your adventures... I love seeing them!
