Saturday, November 26, 2011

Aa is for Abecedarian

Our word of the day for today is


What is it?

1. A word Grandma just made up because she couldn't think of anything better to blog about today?

2. A person learning the alphabet or anything of or relating to the alphabet?

3. A person so obsessed with the alphabet that they sew cross stitch samplers of it . . . and make posters of it . . . collect stickers, mugs and picture books of it . . . and even make up an entire crazy blog about it? (This answer could also be correct!)

Give me your best guess or a better answer than these choices and I will just have to give you the best fabulous prize ever!

Happy abecedarian day!

Love, Grandma

1 comment:

  1. Eddy thinks an abecedarian means: "Don't take any boys toys when their playing."
