Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Aa is for Answer

I guess the "word of the day" question was just too hard. But just in case you were wondering-- it is a real word . . . I did not make it up. I may or may not be an abecedarian . . . but all you boys who occasionally read this blog are definitely abecedarians. Therefore, you all get (or may already have) the best ever fabulous prize. It will come in handy tomorrow when another Advent Alphabet Adventure starts!

Let the countdown to Christmas begin!

Love, Grandma

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Aa is for Abecedarian

Our word of the day for today is


What is it?

1. A word Grandma just made up because she couldn't think of anything better to blog about today?

2. A person learning the alphabet or anything of or relating to the alphabet?

3. A person so obsessed with the alphabet that they sew cross stitch samplers of it . . . and make posters of it . . . collect stickers, mugs and picture books of it . . . and even make up an entire crazy blog about it? (This answer could also be correct!)

Give me your best guess or a better answer than these choices and I will just have to give you the best fabulous prize ever!

Happy abecedarian day!

Love, Grandma

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bb is for Brody

Who is the boy behind this letter B poster?
Have you seen someone hiding behind the letter B poster before?

Could it be the same boy?

Could it be the boy who has one big brother and one little brother?

Could it be a boy who celebrated his 6th birthday in October?

Could it be a boy who is learning how to read in kindergarten?

Could it be a boy who loves pajamas so much he wears them as often as possible?

Could it be a boy who has already written his Christmas wish list?

Could it be a boy who mostly just wants more pajamas for Christmas?

Could you please tell me who you think this boy is as well as your favorite thing about him?

Happy "Oh Boy" day!
Love, Grandma

Monday, November 14, 2011

Cc is for Coltin

Can you guess which cousin is hiding behind the letter C?

Which cousin loves to play with cars . . .

wear "cars" and watch "Cars"?

Which cousin doesn't have any brothers or sisters,

but does have one very nice Daddy?

Which cousin sleeps in a big blue bed his Daddy slept in when he was a boy?

Which cousin knows how to read all the letters of the alphabet

and write his name even though he doesn't start kindergarten until next year?

Which cousin turns five years old on his next birthday?

Tell me who you think this cousin might be and . . .

draw his picture or glue a photo of him in your Alpha-Book

and you could possibly win a fabulous prize!

Happy Cousin-guessing!

Love, Grandma