Monday, February 14, 2011

Vv is for Veggie Valentine

What was hiding under the yellow tablecloth in the last "Vv" post? Eddy's pickle guess was cute, but wrong . . . Jack's guess was a little closer. It's a tut-ta-ta-tah . . .

veggie valentine!
Don't you just love vegetables! And vegetables love you, too, or are at least good for you. Try eating some in between your valentine candy sugar overload today. Or how about a veggie pizza for dinner tonight!

Maybe you don't love eating vegetables so much . . . but you might like reading about vegetables in:
Eating the Alphabet . . . Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z
by Lois Ehlert
Growing Vegetable Soup
also by Lois Ehlert
I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato
by Lauren Child
No Peas for Nellie
by Chris L. Demarest
Maybe you would like playing with vegetables by making your
name with vegetable sticks . . . or trying some creative ideas from
picture books by Saxton Freymann where he turns fruits and vegetables into animals, faces and vehicles:
Baby Food
Fast Food
Food for Thought
How Are You Peeling? Foods with Moods
In fact, you could even make a valentine love bug out of vegetables!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Love, Grandma

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