Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Qq is for Quiz

Since summer has nearly slipped away, I decided to quit the picture book posts. I may not have quite finished the alphabet, but I will still give you a fabulous prize for any or all puzzle pieces you glued in your Alpha-Books this summer.

Now . . . on to our regularly scheduled alphabet adventures.

Qq is for this quick quiz:

Question number one:

Who do you think should win a fabulous prize

in the "Ee is for Elephant" coloring contest?

Zach who is quite confident about this colorful creation . . .

Brody who decided to color a regular elephant . . .

Jack who looked at every page of his "Elmer" book
for inspiration in coloring his elephant . . .

. . . or Eddy who has been much too busy doing puzzles

and loving little LuLu

to care as much about coloring an elephant!

Question number two:

What kind of fabulous prize would be worth winning?

Something big . . . or something small?

Something cute . . . or something yummy?

A new book . . .or a new box of crayons?

Some quarters . . . or something else?

Please help me solve my quandary.

Happy Quiz Day!

Love, Grandma


  1. Question #1 is a trick question I think! Jack is too shy to say himself, but he won't say anyone else either. As for Question #2, Jack said he likes books and coloring...and I'll add that he always loves something yummy! Thanks for the quiz.

  2. I'm dying to know, who won the elephant coloring contest? I want to see their fabulous prize!
