Friday, August 6, 2010

Ll is for Letters

I love to look in the mailbox and find an envelope with my name on it. Lots of times it's just junk mail, but once upon a time I got letters from my Mom and Dad or little sisters while I was in college. And when I was even younger, I got letters from my Grandma Beal sometimes! Nowadays you probably don't get letters in the mail too often. So I decided to send you one! It may not be as exciting as the letters I liked to get. It may not be as cute as a storybook filled with little letters like this book. But the letter I'm sending you does have a couple end-of-summer projects inside. So don't forget to look in you mailbox in a day or two!

Have a Llllovely little day!
Love, Grandma

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the letter--Jack can't wait to hear more about the coloring contest!
