I know that summer is nearing an end and I've haven't
finished all the alphabet picture book posts I had planned.
But I believe the birth of my very first granddaughter is
the perfect occasion to pause for a moment and
think pink!
Pink is the color of cotton candy . . . bubble gum . . .
and babies, especially little girls.
Pink represents sugar and spice and everything nice.
I happen to love pink popcorn, lemonade, grapefruit, salmon
and strawberry and Bear Lake Raspberry ice cream.
I don't care so much for spam which is Grandpa's favorite pink food.
Many flowers are pink-- even blossoms on some trees in spring.
When your mommys were little girls they ate a tiny
pink pill every morning to keep their teeth strong.
Once upon a time I lived in a pink mansion in the avenues.
I have a pink winter coat, pink raincoat, a pair of pink shoes,
and lots of cute pink stuff in my craft room.
You boys may not think you have anything pink,
but look at the littlest finger on each of your hands.
You have pinkies!
Celebrate the birth of your newest cousin
by reading "Pinkalicious" . . .
eating a pink cookie or cupcake . . .
watching a princess movie . . .
or Strawberry Shortcake cartoon . . .
and/or making a pretty pink page
in Chapter Pp of your alpha-book.
Welcome to the world Lindsay Lu!
Love, your tickled pink Grandma