Monday, July 19, 2010

Pp is for Peas

The best way to eat peas is fresh from the garden. Pick a pod . . . pop it open and count the little peas inside . . . then pluck them one by one into your mouth. We just pulled up our pea patch because they stopped growing now that it's so hot.
However, there are much cuter peas to peruse in the picture book "LMNO Peas" by Keith Baker. It is an alphabet book featuring "pea"ple doing all kinds of jobs like "acrobats, artists, and astronauts in space, builders, bathers and bikers in a race". I think it is such a creative book, I'm putting it on my Christmas wish list.
Have a Ppppleasant day!
Love, Grandma
P.S. . . . How many puzzle pieces have you glued in your Alpha-Book so far this summer? Count them up and tell me so I know how many mid-summer prizes to send your way!


  1. That sounds like a very cute book Mom, I'll keep it in mind as a gift for you.

  2. Jack has been busy coloring his pieces and having me help but he tells me which colors to use! We'll start gluing today--thanks for helping keep him busy this summer!
