Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kk is for Kids in the Kitchen

Recently there were some kids in my kitchen . . .

. . . looking for something to nibble on . . . . . . while their cousins and . . . . . . big brothers were . . . . . . frosting and decorating . . . . . . and eating their names!
Here are some treats you might like to create in your own kitchen:

Fruit Smiles
Cupcake Garden
Heart-shaped Pretzels
Ice Cream Cookie Cups
Kabobers and Shake-a-Pudding Dip

Happy kitchen kapers!
Love, Grandma

1 comment:

  1. Did you see the winner of the Pillsbury Bake-Off make a version of Ice Cream Cookie Cups? One millions dollars! We love these fun recipes. We'll have an entire cookbook at the end of the alphabet!
