Friday, April 23, 2010

Ll is for Library

This is the place where I go to work a few times each week.
It may look rather weird and old from the outside, but inside it is filled with amazing things!
Alphabet books . . . Board books . . .
Cookbooks and Computers . . .
CDs and DVDs . . . a giant Dictionary . . .
Encyclopedias . . . Fairy tales . . .
Good things to read Galore . . .

Holiday books . . . the Internet . . . Joke books . . .
Kind Librarians. . . .
Magazines . . . Newspapers . . .
books about the Ocean . . .
Poetry and Picture books. . .
Quiet corners to Read . . . Storytimes . . .
Travel books about everywhere in the U.S.A.
and places to Visit all over the World.
Xciting isn't it!
You must Zip on over to a library near you
because libraries are everywhere and free!

When you visit your local library, here is a list of things to look for:
1. A board book for your little brother
2. A cookbook or craft book for your Mom
3. A picture book (or 2 or more) for you!
4. A read-along book
(it comes with a CD that tells the story
as you look at the book)
5. And last, but not least, the time
of the next storytime or special activity
Let me know what you find on your next library visit
and perhaps you will be lucky enough to win a fabulous prize.
Happy looking at the library!
Love, Grandma

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kk is for Kids in the Kitchen

Recently there were some kids in my kitchen . . .

. . . looking for something to nibble on . . . . . . while their cousins and . . . . . . big brothers were . . . . . . frosting and decorating . . . . . . and eating their names!
Here are some treats you might like to create in your own kitchen:

Fruit Smiles
Cupcake Garden
Heart-shaped Pretzels
Ice Cream Cookie Cups
Kabobers and Shake-a-Pudding Dip

Happy kitchen kapers!
Love, Grandma

Monday, April 5, 2010

Jj is for Jellybeans and Jello

Spring has sprung.
Easter has come.
Just in case you have any jellybeans left over
from your Easter basket, try this fun project:
Write you name in big letters on a piece of paper first.
Lay jellybeans (or M&Ms, fruit loops, or any other tiny treat)
onto the letters to "spell" a sweet name
Sprinkle jello powder onto a plate or shallow pan.
With your finger, write your name in the powder.
Lick your fingers when you're finished of course.
Have a jolly good "Jj" day!
Love, Grandma