Once upon a time there was a handsome, hardworking father and a busy, mostly nice mother who were both very tired parents. Why could that be? It couldn't be because they lived with three cute busy little girls could it?
Little girl number one hadn't even finished first grade before she was amazing her Daddy by reading him newspaper headlines and she actually read 48 books during one nine-week term of second grade. Little girl number two was finally able to start kindergarten but she claimed it was boring because she already knew everything. And little girl number three . . . well, that could be the answer to the tired question! Betsy became the first family member rushed to the emergency room for stitches when her head hit the fireplace hearth one Sunday. Betsy began climbing onto the counters to get in the cookie jar herself. Betsy unrolled all the toilet paper each and every day for about a week once. And Betsy developed an unnerving habit of running into a room where her tired mother might be and saying "I did nothing!" in a panic before she disappeared. Betsy also still loved to worm her way into the big bed of her tired parents almost every night, but after some very long, exasperating nights that bad habit came to an end.
Betsy especially amazed her nicer now mother
one Sunday when she actually slept all through Sacrament Meeting. It just happened to be the Sacrament Meeting when the handsome, hardworking father of these three cute little girls was called to be the Bishop of their ward and the shocked, nice mother gave her first extemporaneous speech ever.
Nevertheless, the biggest surprise of 1984 came one summer morning when a brand new baby joined their family. The handsome hardworking father had teased his very pregnant wife at the "Bountiful Handcart Days" parade that if they had a baby born on the 24th of July, they should name him "Brigham". The very pregnant wife just laughed because she knew after three little girls that she was probably going to always have baby girls, and she wasn't going to have a baby the next day anyway. Less than 12 hours later a bouncing baby boy was born. The very tired mother of three little girls thought the doctor and her handsome husband were just teasing her. But sure enough, baby number four was a BOY! Fortunately, they did not name him Brigham. The handsome, hardworking father was so proud to have a son and the surprised, nice mother was so happy to have a good-natured baby who knew how to sleep that the family could now for sure live happily ever after . . . at least until Thomas Chan discovered he only had sisters!
Happy Wednesday!
Love, Thomas Chan's Mom
(also known as your Grandma)