Saturday, December 26, 2015

Guess who's eight?

Take a break from playing with all your new Christmas toys to learn
eight facts about someone turning eight years old today:

1. He is the oldest child in his family
with one sister and one brother.
2. He is in the second grade and 
lives and breathes math facts.
3. His favorite books are the Diary of a Wimpy
Kid books and books by Roald Dahl.
4. He likes to make up his own jokes.
5. His favorite foods are shrimp and pot stickers.
6. However, his all-time greatest foods are his
Dad's syrup and his Mom's lemonade.
7. He likes to make lunch for the family and
his specialty is ramen noodles.
8. He has an extreme dislike for Costco!

And now find eight Eddys in this collage!

(Two eight-year-olds in this collage are not the birthday boy)

Happy Birthday Eddy!
Love, Grandma

Thursday, December 24, 2015

P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-XYZ Christmas Countdown

The final Christmas countdown pictures are complete
which means it must be Christmas Eve!

P is for peppermint . . .

Q is for quilt . . .

R is for reindeer . . .

S is for snowman . . .

T is for toys

U is for unwrap . . .

V is for village . . .

W is for wreath . . .

and x . . . y . . . z
Z is for Zach!

Thank you one and all for the
wonderful artwork and
Merry Christmas to all and
to all a goodnight!

Love, Grandma

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O Christmas Countdown

Ten more Alpha-Bingo Christmas Countdown
pictures are hanging on my advent calendar wall
leaving less than ten days until Christmas!

F is for flake of snow

G is for gingerbread man

H is for hot chocolate
I is for icicle
J is for Jack Frost
K is for Kris Kringle
L is for lights
M is for mistletoe
N is for North Pole
and O is for ornament . . .

Merry Christmas Countdown!
Love, Grandma

Saturday, December 5, 2015

A-B-C-D-E Christmas Countdown

The first five days of the Alpha-Bingo Christmas
Countdown are now hanging on my wall.

A is for angel
B is for itty bitty bells
C is for candy cane
D is for "deck the halls"
and E is for evergreen tree!

Merry 20 days until Christmas!
Love, Grandma

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


A is for alphabet artwork created by all of you!
B is for bingo . . . and C is for Christmas Countdown.

Put them altogether and the days of December leading
up to Christmas will fly by in no time. Check Instagram
for the very first picture for the very first day of December.

Merry Christmas Countdown!
Love, Grandma