Big I . . . little i . . .
What begins with Ii?
Yummy Summer Reading with ice cream as the prize!
I challenge you to read at least 20 minutes a day every day this summer.
Each time you do, place a "scoop" (glass magnet)
on your pretend ice cream cone. Maybe on Monday you
read 20 minutes all by yourself--that's one "scoop"!
Maybe on Tuesday you read to your little brother
for 20 minutes--that's "scoop" number two!
Maybe on Wednesday your Mom or Dad read to you
for 20 or more minutes--that's "scoop" number three.
Maybe on Wednesday you read another 20 minutes
("scoop" number four)
AND you read something suggested on
Grandma's Alpha-Blog
("scoop" number five)
Then on Thursday you read again for 20
or more minutes--"scoop" number six!
Each time you earn six "scoops", you can put a sticker
on your ice cream credit card. Each sticker is good for one
yummy summer ice cream treat from Grandma's freezer.
Happy Yummy Summer Reading
and ice cream eating!