Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ii is for Ice Cream

Big I . . . little i . . .
What begins with Ii?
Yummy Summer Reading with ice cream as the prize!

I challenge you to read at least 20 minutes a day every day this summer.

Each time you do, place a "scoop" (glass magnet)
on your pretend ice cream cone. Maybe on Monday you
read 20 minutes all by yourself--that's one "scoop"!

Maybe on Tuesday you read to your little brother
for 20 minutes--that's "scoop" number two!

Maybe on Wednesday your Mom or Dad read to you
for 20 or more minutes--that's "scoop" number three.

Maybe on Wednesday you read another 20 minutes
("scoop" number four)
AND you read something suggested on
Grandma's Alpha-Blog
("scoop" number five)

Then on Thursday you read again for 20
or more minutes--"scoop" number six!

Each time you earn six "scoops", you can put a sticker
on your ice cream credit card. Each sticker is good for one
yummy summer ice cream treat from Grandma's freezer.

Check this blog throughout the summer for ways to earn
bonus "scoops" and extra treats!
Happy Yummy Summer Reading
and ice cream eating!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Word of the Day

Wonder what it means?
A fun project is on its way!

Love, Grandma

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Word of the Day

Wonder what it means?
A fun time is on its way!
Love, Grandma

Monday, May 20, 2013

Word of the Day

Wonder what it means?
Watch for more clues coming your way!
Love, Grandma

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hh is for Hats

Big H . . . little h . . .
What begins with Hh?
Happy kids in hats . . . Hooray! Hooray!

Guess who is wearing the Krispy Kreme hat . . .
the pink polka dot hat . . . the baseball cap . . .
the fireman's hat . . . and the pirate hat?

Guess who is wearing the straw cowboy hat . . .
the bicycle helmet . . . the "Woody" cowboy hat . . .
the crazy hat . . . and the backwards baseball cap?

Put on your hat and read a "hat" book like:
"The Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Seuss
"I Want a Hat Like That" by Sesame Street
"The Hat" by Jan Brett
"Old Hat New Hat" by the Stan and Jan Berenstain
"This is Not My Hat" by Jon Klassen
(2013 Caldecott Winner)
Happy Hat Day!
Love, Grandma