Friday, August 31, 2012

99. Have a "P" picnic or . . .
perhaps you would prefer a peanutbutter and jelly

Thursday, August 30, 2012

98. Get some extra Zzzzz's now that school is starting soon!
(or already has)

Zzzzzzzzz are for
what we needed after crusing for 16 days . . .
visiting 8 countries . . . crossing multiple time zones . . .
and waiting for or flying in planes for hours.
But it was a great vacation you no longer have to read about.
(Unless of course, you wish to click the "Europe" tag and
finally get all the answers to the questions of the day!)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

97. Make some yogurt dots to enjoy while you read about:
Yy is for yummy food on our cruise like:

Alaskan scrambler, artichoke souffle,
burgers and baguettes, crab appetizers,
croissants, danishes, quiches and tarts,
eggs benedict and fruit in every form,
gelato, ice cream cones and Irish lamb stew,
linguine with clams and lobster three ways,
a real French "pain au chocolat",
Maryland crab cakes and a mushroom tart,
pizza, prime rib, made-to-order omelets,
salmon, shrimp, and all sorts of seafood,
surf and turf and authentic British fish 'n chips,
sweet potato and shrimp bisque,veggie spring rolls
and way too much of everything!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

96. Fact of the day
Xx marks the spot . . .

where we began (Florida) and ended (Denmark)
our cruise of 5,437 nautical miles.
Thank you for enduring to the end (almost)
of our European travelogue.

Monday, August 27, 2012

95. Go to the drive-in movies
(maybe in your cardboard box cars?)
. . . or how about a Monday movie marathon!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

94. Have a no-TV day . . .
or a family readathon!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

93. Spell your name with nature--stuff you find outside!

Friday, August 24, 2012

92. Go on a night time flashlight walk.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

91. Question of the day

Ww is for walkWhere do you think we went walking on our vacation?
a. on cobblestone streets in almost every country
b. on St. Patricks Street in Ireland
c. on the Rue de Paris in France
d. on the promenade deck of the Emerald Princess
e. on all of the above!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

90. Set up a summer camp for your toys.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

89. View of the day

Vv is for viewOne morning on the ship we woke up to an amazing view of:
a. a gray day in England
b. more blue ocean
c. the white cliffs of Dover
d. the red rocks of Southern Utah

Monday, August 20, 2012

88. Go camping!
(even if it's in your own backyard)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

87. Write in your journal about a favorite
excursion or vacation you took this summer.
Or if you could go anywhere in the world,
write about where you would go!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

86. Question of the day

Uu is for United KindgomWe visited the United Kindgom twice on our European cruise.
What countries are a part of the United Kindgom?
a. England, France and Germany
b. Portugal, Spain and Italy
c. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
d. Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland

Bonus question: Can you spot the flag of the United Kindgom
in the collage on "Summer Bit-of-Fun" #19
(flag #3)

Friday, August 17, 2012

85. Visit a farmers' market and buy a new vegetable to try
 . . . or eat a good ole' favorite vegetable like corn on the cob!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

84. Look who's having a birthday today!
Can you guess who?
And how old is this little lady?
(She's giving you a clue!)
Two-year-old Miss Lindsay Lu is showing you her two ears.
Two things LuLu loves to do are climb! and eat!

(she has become quite a chatterbox, too--
so make that three things she loves to do)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

 83. Do an alphabet line-up of your toys or . . .
go on a backyard alphabet hunt.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

82.  Words of the day

Tt is for talk
Believe it or not, people do not talk much in English  in other countries.
We heard (or saw) a few other languages in countries
we visited on our vacation.
When people talk in France, they might say  bonjour  or merci.
(good morning . . . thank you)
When people  talk in the Netherlands or Norway,
they might say ja or god morgen.
(yes . . . good morning)
What are those words  in English? 
And what is the name of this popular children's book in English?
(Diary of a Wimpy Kid)

Monday, August 13, 2012

81. Try reading a book outside . . .
maybe even in a tent!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

80. Guess what's growing in Grandpa's garden!
1) roses . . . 2) lots of greenery . . . 3) corn . . . 4) yellow flowers
5) zucchini . . . 6) tomatoes . . . 7) pumpkins . . . 8) zinnias
9) white and purple flowers . . . 10) more colorful flowers . . .
11) butternut squash . . . 12) beans!
Happy 12 on the 12th!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

79.  Pictures of the day

Ss is for statues
We saw several statues on our tour through Europe.
But one of these statues is not like the others--
one of these statues we did not see in Europe.
Can you guess which one?
We did not see that Statue of Liberty on this vacation, although there
is a miniature Statue of Libery in Paris near the Eiffel Tower
because the same architect designed them both!

Friday, August 10, 2012

78. Time for a tasty treat called s'mores on a stick.
Happy S'mores Day!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

77. Have a ball playing with sponge balls
(which means--make some first!)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

76. Question of the day

Rr is for RotterdamWhen we visited the city of Rotterdam which is in the country
of the Netherlands (also known as Holland) did we or did we not
1. Cross a bridge named "the Swan"? (did)
2. See lots of windowmills and unique buildings? (did)
3. Wear wooden shoes and tiptoe through the tulips?
(did not--although there are millions of tulips that grow here)
4. Notice more bicyles than cars?
(did--because people here are very health conscious
and more of them own and ride a bicylce than cars!)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

75. Paint a rock!

Monday, August 6, 2012

74. Picture of the day

Qq is for quay
What on earth is a quay?
( a wharf or reinforced bank where ships are loaded or unloaded)
Well, one of these pictures shows a quay.
Guess which one!
(Picture #1 is a metal fish sculpture.
#2 is the coffin of the Black Knight inside the
Canterbury Cathedral--his feet are resting on a rat!)
#3 is a quay in Falmouth, Cornwall, England#4 is a uniQue banner.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

73. Write what makes you happy in the summer
. . . or write about your favorite memory of summer so far.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

72. Go outside and paint with water.

Friday, August 3, 2012

71. Eat some juicy delicious watermelon on
Happy Watermelon Day!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

70. Question of the day

Pp is for Ponta Delgada
Our first port of call on our European cruise was a place called Ponta Delgada.
It is located on the largest of the nine Azores Islands
which are about 800 miles off the coast of Portugal.
Guess what grows in the rich, volcanic fields there:
a. pumpkins
b. pineapples
c. petunias
d. pomegranates

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

69. How about noodle bugs for lunch today?